Driving to Seattle

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  • Sep 02, 2016 - Driving to Seattle
  • Friday, Sep 02, 2016

    First time for everything

    I had been asked to deliver a BMW to Seattle.

    Trouble it the car was in the Bay Area. No matter. I just filled up the tank and started driving north.

    And I kept driving and driving…

    I meant to stop and get a hotel for the night, but just kept saying, “One more hour.”

    Before I knew, I realized that the sun had gone down on my left side and was then rising up on my right side.

    Yeah, it was about an 18-hour drive. With no sleep. Quite tiring.

    But it was a great way to see California and then Oregon and then Washington. It was a trip to remember.

    In Seattle (after a half a day of rest) I hung out with friends and enjoyed booze and food. Then Sunday night, I flew back home once again.